Session five - Heading to Ansbruhk
We played our fifth session where the players managed to leave Meissen and begin their journey to the lost sanctuary of Qualthias. The morning after they had required the golden rune from the temple of Sigmar they awoke anxious to get moving since they didn't know when the theft would be discovered. Many of the characters still had hangovers from the visit to the tavern last night, especially Victor and Konrad who both failed their Consume Alchohol tests badly. After a few discussions of how to proceed, they headed to the docks to meet up with Augustus Rousseau curious to see if they would find de Mendosa there. They found on Augustus at the boat and he claimed that they could not wait for de Mendosa despite his role as a body guard. Augustus was eager to get going on the journey towards the ruins and if de Mendosa didn't want to earn any money then that was his loss. None of the players rolled well on their Intuition tests so they were unsure of Augustus's motivation for moving ahead without de Mendosa [...]