The Shikan jungle


This jungle was the birthplace of the Katta race. Here they were created in the image of the god Kaidu, in his temple at the center of the jungle.

The vast jungle is very impassable and the trees stand as tall as 100 meters above ground level. It is filled with exotic species of trees and other plants many of which can be used with both fantastic and horrible effects if processed. The jungle 4 layers, were the lowest is the dark and gloomy “under forest”. Almost no sunlight reaches these depths and this creates an eerie atmosphere of shadow and darkness. Many large monsters, beasts and large colonies of spiders live here. It is also the home of many fungi species, which are a source of nourishment for many who live above this level. A rare fungi known as Blackspot can be processed into a powder which has healing properties. The next layer of the forest starts about 30 meters above ground and it's a place filled with branches and leaves. Many of the branches are over a meter wide and are used for travel through the jungle by many smaller creatures. This layer is the home of large packs of apes, there are even rumors of an intelligent species of apes which live in cities on this layer. It is also home to most of the Katta population. They live in cities build across the large branches. About 60 meters above ground level the third layer of the jungle begins and it is filled with rich vegetation and an abundance of exotic flowers. It is the home of most of the forests small animals and a huge variety of birds and other flying creatures. The fourth layer is the top of the forest and the sky above, this is also the move of even more birds and flying creatures. Many flowers and plants which can be used for medicine can also be found here.