• Masks of Tzeentch #11


    We started the session with a short recap of what had happened since we last played since we had been away from the table for some time. The players started by trying to find Dieter's brother, who they had meet a few sessions back.

  • Masks of Tzeentch #10


    Our tenth session started after a good night's rest, where the heroes could sleep safely knowing they had helped remove a cult of the ruinous powers.

  • Masks of Tzeentch #9


    Elimination of the Cult of the bloody tongue in Altdorf and reveal of the horror in the basement. The players battle a large group of cultists and their sorcerer leader.

  • Masks of Tzeentch #8


    We had a short session where the players explored the basement of the house of Kautsky. As the session began we started the battle between the guardian horrors in the basement and the players. I used the stats from a Zombie and modified them slightly to match the Ciimba from ...

  • Masks of Tzeentch #7


    This session started with the players discussing what they were to do with their prisoner. The discussions ended with a decision to send Otto and Konrad to fetch Ottokar Hilsner ...

  • Masks of Tzeentch #6


    Stakeout of the House of Kautsky leads to new discoveries, an assassination attempt and the interrogation of a cultist who is quite mad. The investigators are homing in on the mysterious shop of the southern trade house.

  • Marks of Tzeentch #5


    Our fifth session started on the evening of the 18th of Rachexen with the heroes trying to decide where to sleep. As night fell they discussed how to avoid getting attacked during the night, Ludvig and Dieter had become very paranoid after their encounter with the city guard in the Reikerbahn Bezirk.

  • Masks of Tzeentch #4


    We started the fourth session of our campaign at the gates to the Garden of Moor in the Oberhausen Bezirk where the funeral of Reingard was to take place. Inside the priest of Moor was waiting with two acolytes. There were also four other people attending the funeral, Diethard Kroll ...

  • Masks of Tzeentch #3


    This session started with Ludvig and Dieter walking through the lower class district headed for the house of krautsky (the juju house). They where determined to follow the lead from Emerson importe. They found the address and ventured into the closed space which houses the shop and entered the crowded ...

  • Masks of Tzeentch #2


    We continued just after the combat with the three cultists from last session had finished. While Ludvig was running for help the other team members started to search the room to see what clues they could find which would help them to solve the mystery behind reingards myrder. But due ...

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