High forest


This elven forest is the home of the Erialthi elven nation and has been so since the golden age where a large group of elves found the forest on the edge of the land of vultures. By mysterious means, the forest was not been touched by the harsh climate if the desert.

The elves were refugees from the northern plains which were threatened by a massive influx of ogre tribes moving from the Than plains. The rise of the Than empire forced many ogre tribes to flee their homes and wander north to new hunting grounds. The elven communities which lived there were thereby threatened with extinction and chose to leave their homes and seek a new haven. They moved to the sea on the other side of the Khazak-dan mountains where they created ships to carry them to their new home. They sailed south along the cost of the land of vultures until they found this mystic forest. They named it high forest because if the great trees at the center of the forest. These trees grew very tall and were very old, they had developed a limited form of sentience. The trees welcomed the nature-loving elves and accepted their influence on the nature and life of the forest.

The elves soon discovered that a great spirit of the land lived at the center of the forest. This spirit is the embodiment of the divine triumvirate the Sirens, and it is its presence in the forest which protects it from its surroundings. The elves sought an audience with the spirit and after a long communion with it, they were accepted by the spirit and it began to aid the elves adapt to life in the forest.

The name Erialthi can be translated into the high forest and the elves named the new nation after the which they gave the forest. The new nation began to emerge under the first king Gadrian. For many years the nation lived alone and in peace with the forest. The elves soon became strong worshippers of the Sirens and a strong tradition of druidism began to emerge. After many years an expedition of the Daurish empire came to the forest after they had survived an encounter with a large band of goblins. They camped at the edge of the forest when a group of rangers encountered them on a patrol. The elves helped the human expedition and began diplomatic relations with their homeland. After several days the expedition was ready to leave and the Erialthi nation sent a diplomatic liaison with them to initiate the diplomatic contact to the Daurish empire.

The elves began to bind spirits to locations in the forest. They also began to bind spirits along the edge of the forest as guardians against intruders. Some of these druids also began experimenting with the spirits they bound and this drove many spirits mad. This spurred conflict between the druids of the Sirens and the group of druids who came to be known as the dark binders. The conflict evolved into what became known as the Spirit war. It raged for several years in the Erialthi nation and bordered on civil war several times but in the end, the dark binder cult was destroyed and the last members vanished.

When king Gadrian died the throne was inherited by his daughter who became queen Shahi-Tharim. She began to form the nation and its capital into one nationality in the aftermath of the spirit war. Under her rule, the capital grew into a splendid elven city, which incorporates both the living nature and timeless marble. Much of the city seems to grow right out of the wood and is complimented with beautifully carved marble. In the center lies the palace which seems to float at the center of a lake with crystal blue water. It is a perfect blend between nature and stone, and it shines with an almost divine light.