The sand walkers


These desert people, known as the sand walkers live in clans herding camels across the sands of the great desert know as the land of vultures. They live a nomadic life traveling from oasis to oasis, making camp for longer periods of time only to trade with other travelers. In the desert they have a unique ability to find water even in the driest areas where little life can be found.

Most of the sand walkers worship Thalax the great worm, but a few clans offer their praise to Wi-yndia of the winds. The sand walkers ride the camels which they breed themselves and they are a great source of pride for the clans. It is said that the sand walkers are the greatest riders among men.

Each clans is ruled by a chieftain and a witch doctor. Often there will also be a council of elders providing advice for the leader. Once every year the clans gather at a great conclave to discuss matters which affect all the clans. If the conclave passes a law the clans are required by tradition to uphold these laws. These conclaves are held at a secret location known only to the witch doctors. It is the chieftain and his loyal guards who venture to the meeting with the aid of the witch doctors magic.